Taking You Inside Evesham Fire-Rescue


How Can You Help?

Preventing Wildfire from Affecting Evesham Township

You may not realize it, but Evesham Township has a significant portion of the Township where the wildland areas interface with homes. This area is known as the wildland/urban interface zone.In this area, wildfires could spread quickly and cause significant damage to homes in our community and in a very quick fashion. Wildfires spread quickly under the right fire and weather conditions, and sometimes, spread quick enough to overwhelm the local firefighting resources and efforts.

The goal of the Firewise Communities initiatives are to prevent the spread of wildfire to nearby homes and allow firefighters time to respond and contain the fire before the fabric of the Evesham Township community is damaged.

About the Firewise Communities Program
Brush, grass and forest fires don’t have to be disasters. NFPA’s Firewise Communities Program encourages local solutions for safety by involving homeowners in taking individual responsibility for preparing their homes from the risk of wildfire. Firewise is a key component of Fire Adapted Communities – a collaborative approach that connects all those who play a role in wildfire education, planning and action with comprehensive resources to help reduce risk.

Find out what the experts know about the best way to make your home and neighborhood safer from wildfire. From the basics of defensible space and sound landscaping techniques, to research on how homes ignite (and what you can do about it), there are tips, tools and teachings you can use! Access the NFPA’s Firewise Resources at their website.