Evesham Township Fire District No. 1 Deputy Business Administrator
Deputy Business Administrator Job Summary
Reporting to the Business Administrator, this position will assist in all aspects of the day-to-day operation of the Fire Administration Office including, but not limited to, budget preparation and management, purchasing, payroll processing, pension reporting, benefit administration, accounts receivable and payable processing, cash management/account reconciliation, human resources management, maintenance of personnel records/files, records management, processing of Open Public Records Act (OPRA) requests, and such other duties as are assigned.
Graduation from an accredited college or university with a bachelor’s degree in business management, public administration, finance, accounting or related field, including 21 credit hours in accounting. Possession of a valid certificate as a Certified Municipal Finance Officer, Qualified Purchasing Agent or Tax Collector issued by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Division of Local Government Services may be substituted for the above educational requirement.
Minimum of three years of senior management/executive experience in local government. Responsibilities should have included: supervision of personnel, human resources management, labor relations/collective bargaining contract negotiations, budget preparation and management, purchasing, and risk management. Knowledge of New Jersey Local Fiscal Affairs Law, Local Budget Law, Local Bond Law, Local Public Contracts Law, Open Public Records Act, and Open Public Meetings Act is required.
Experience in working with a local governing body in the development and implementation of public policies, setting agendas and drafting legislation
Full Deputy Business Administrator Description and Qualifications
Applications shall be received via US Mail or hand-delivered at our administration office by the application deadline of March 21 at 4:00PM.
Hand Delivery: 984 Tuckerton Road, Suite 205, Marlton, NJ 08053 Accepting applications M-F between 9:00AM and 4:00PM
US Mail: PO Box 276, Marlton, NJ 08053 (no certified mail)
Evesham Township Fire District No. 1 is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer